
Remembering Zaven

Remembering Zaven

August will always be remembered by the AMAA as the month we said goodbye to our dearest Zaven Khanjian. 

As countless letters came in by our country’s President, leaders and clergymen, we finally realized the depths of the legacy he had left behind. People were in awe at his lifetime’s service to Armenia and Armenians all over the world.

That mission to uphold the individual touched thousands of lives during his tenure–including mine. Zaven played a major role to get me to move to Armenia, and I’ve seen how blessed I have been in this new chapter of my life. 

In that sense, Zaven was doing God’s work. He was entrusted to carry out His mission to the world. 

…and that is a bigger honor than any Presidential accolade or letter.


Aren Deyirmenjian
Armenia Representative